Earlier this year Bluet decided she really wanted to do Ballet. With some help from Veronika we finally got her signed up and she has enjoyed herself thoroughly the last few weeks. I haven't watched, so I don't know what goes on - although I do know that tutus are banned, presumably because they just cause trouble. Anyway, here are some pictures
The mountains in Switzerland are pretty spectacular
Because Uncle Nick used to be a big fan of James Bond, and because we had a special offer for cable cars in the mountains, we decided to go last Sunday all the way up the mountain where they filmed On Her Majesty's Secret Service. See if you recognise it
On the cable car
There was a revolving restaurant at the top. We quickly discovered Bluet didn't like revolving restaurants
We didn't buy anything in the gift shop at the top
There were also some people base jumping and paragliding from the mountaintops, which was entertaining not only for us but also the kids.
Last weekend Gran Helen and Uncle Nick came to stay with us for a few days. We went a few nearby places with them and one long excursion (see next blog). Here are some pics from their visit: