Tuesday 31 January 2017


The snow is melting, replaced by rain. Fortunately this Sunday the ETH Sports Hall was open for kids 0-8 years old to let out all their excess energy. As our kids have a lot of excess energy (and because it was free, and relatively near our house), I took them there in the morning. Because Bluet always has to wear a dress, they were the only two kids wearing dresses in the entire place (until Ilona took hers off)

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They actually waited to get on this swing. Why they needed to take their shoes off, I have no idea

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Thursday 26 January 2017


Hello, it's us again. I wouldn't say we've been busy, in fact, quite the opposite. It's just that the snow hasn't gone away since we got back so we haven't really done anything (except play in the snow, which you've already seen). I mean, I checked my phone and I only have 5 photos since the last time I blogged - here they are:

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This is from when we went to Baden (not to be confused with Baden Baden) by mistake for an hour


Tuesday 17 January 2017

Last American Photos

I think we finally overcame jetlag last weekend, and all is more or less back to normal. Still, here are a few more of our holiday snaps - this is where we were over New Year - out canoeing on the Current River, as per the Corse family tradition
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Meanwhile, the kids got to spend their New Year with Abatha, Scott, Nate and Lila. When we returned and told them we would have to fly back to Switzerland, they told us they would rather stay at Abatha's house forever.

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Once we got back to St Louis from the river we took Bluet to her first ever 3D movie (Sing) - she was very excited when things started sticking out of the screen (and kept the 3D glasses to wear around the place).
Here are Bluet and Ilona exploring the woods near the cabin

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Bath at Nana's house


Monday 9 January 2017

Back in the Switzerland

Hello, Happy New Year!

We are back in Zurich - we arrived last Wednesday and are now almost over jet lag. When we got back there was snow everywhere, and since then it has provided a free adventure playground for entertaining the kids

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Snowman built to Bluet's specifications (hat, scarf, carrot nose)

Jet lagged children
