Been on the subway
Hung out with the hipsters in Brooklyn
Lost her belly button thing (just this morning, so now she is all grown up)
Read her first book (and developed a fear of Zebras)
Received her first parcel from the Old Country
Witnessed some key national and international events
Been to Central Park
Been to the doctors (and almost re-reached her birth weight)
Had 2 baths
Done some disgusting p[edited for decency] which were impressive in scale for someone so small
Met her American grandmother
And, most traumatically, waved her Dad off to work for the first time (fortunately for him, before he left Bluet was upset when been held by her Mum/Mom or grandmother, but instantly comforted when Dad picked her up, making him feel not so bad about having to leave her behind).
She has also become considerably more alert, so stay tuned for some extremely cute films, coming to a blog near you soon.
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