Sunday 8 May 2011

Bluet Classics

Wow, 3 weeks have flown by. We've been to the park 3 times with 3 different groups of parents in the last 3 days. All their babies are several months older, and seem huge by comparison to Bluet - I guess that soon we will forget that once upon a time she was so small, and be amazed when we see someone else's tiny newborn baby.

Even so, she is clearly growing up - she is much more alert, has exceeded her birth weight, is eating enough to have developed a small belly, is sleeping sensibly and only waking once at night (although if she could stay asleep until at least 8 in the morning, instead of 6, that would be much appreciated, thanks). and is beginning to pay attention to the people around her (at least we imagine this is the case). She definitely likes staring out of the window at the sky. Maybe she wants to be a pilot. Hopefully she will be speaking soon.

Anyway, from the vault, here is her first ever video, taken in the first hour after she was born. Emily was otherwise engaged, so I was left alone with her in the recovery room. She was lying on my lap ensuring I did not drop this tiny package. You can see that she has not yet eaten, and clearly has this one thing on her mind.

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