Tuesday 24 April 2012

Dinner time

These days Bluet really only wants to eat what we are eating. This means when I get home from work there is an approximately five minute window to prepare everyone's dinner before Bluet starts to wonder where her food is.

Today I made a delicious cheese, tomato and onion omelette. When I looked over, there was Bluet happily playing in the corner. Perfect, she was happy and I could cook. Turns out she was in the middle of a project - to remove all the flaps from 'Where's Spot'. Today she got the rug the turtle hides under. Fortunately we have two copies of this classic volume. Here she is, cardboard rug in hand.

1 comment:

  1. Preparing dinner is always the craziest time at our house. 1 year olds do not know the meaning of needing to cook before you eat:) And Lila joins her cousin in her love for ripping up books!
