Wednesday 28 August 2013

Aberdeen Part I

Unbelievably it is already two weeks since we arrived in Aberdeen after a marginally horrendous drive from York where we had arrived the night before; Bluet and I joined Steve and Caroline for the trip into Scotland whilst Emily and Dorthea travelled together in our smaller car. Everything went more or less fine until 10 miles outside Aberdeen, when we found the only road into the city closed because of an accident at a roundabout, blocking both lanes of traffic. We left the main road, and after a failed attempt to rejoin the motorway, travelled cross country on single lane roads and eventually arrived in Newmachar. The whole time Bluet and Caroline were sitting in the back of the car saying 'bang down' and laughing hysterically, so at least they enjoyed this hour long detour.

When I was growing up there was about 1 week of sunshine every year in Aberdeen, and the only suntan I ever got was from when I went sailing down the West Coast of Scotland on a school trip. Either the weather has improved dramatically (thanks, global warming), or we hit that week spot on, as our whole week (aside from a little rain) was perfect - the skies in all the subsequent photos you will see have not been doctored in any way.

The greatest part of our trip was Bluet getting to spend so much time with her cousin Della and the aforementioned Caroline. We don't often get to see her interacting with other kids her age, and in fact, she enjoyed it so much we didn't get to spend much time with Bluet ourselves. Of course, having large amounts of outdoors to play in helped.

So for today here are the first batch of Aberdeen photos.

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No cows
Not the only wheel barrow ride of the week
Bluet was happy as soon as she arrived
Every good house needs a swing
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Aberdeen in the sun


There was even time for me to look through my boxes of old stuff and find some treasures

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And to take Emily's family to look at a nearby ancient standing stone, in a field


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