Thursday 20 November 2014

Pointing at things

Ilona has made a lot of progress recently. Namely she has started to call Emily "Mamamama" and me "Dadn" - the latter is either what all babies say at first, or something she has picked up from Bluet - hopefully the latter. And now if we say "where's Mama?" or "Where's Dadn", Ilona will look, point, smile and approximate the right name. And yesterday, when I asked "where's Bluet" Ilona looked, pointed and said "Da" which may well have been in German.

Similarly when we are out and about Ilona likes to point at things, particularly hedges, buses and the sky. Basically her little pointing finger is sticking out of the buggy and waving around wherever we go.

Unfortunately this is all rather difficult to photograph or film as the camera immediately puts Ilona off. So here are some other recent pictures.

Bluet climbs the 'dinosaur'; imagine Ilona pointing at Bluet


Bluet feeds the ducks; imagine Ilona pointing at the ducks



Bluet digs a hole. Imagine Ilona pointing at Bluet


Bluet at the indoor playground, getting ready to point at something


Emily was away in France last night. Here is Ilona chatting to her over the internet. It's the future


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