Saturday 24 October 2015

The next day in York

We went for a drive to a nearby artificial lake, where we looked for kangaroos, and Simon chased the kids around a Castle, whilst we all fed grass to Shetland ponies. (This was also the first time I ever drove a car on British roads (aside from lessons when I was 17-18), which was pretty exciting on those winding country roads; actually I really enjoyed it). The weather was so nice, we finished the trip with ice cream and a run around the playground. Back at Simon and Angela's house more artworks were produced. I think Bluet learned a lot about drawing from Della because since we got back she has been drawing like crazy - in York she would only draw houses and flowers, then aeroplanes, but now it is houses and flowers and cats and owls and dragons and Mama and Bluet and Peppa and George and Granny and Grandpa pig (not Mummy and Daddy pig, as I mistakenly thought).



Although I know it looks like she is saying 'Dad, I want a pony', I'm pretty sure she isn't


Simon captured Bluet and Della in the castle


Looking for kangaroos


Ilona and Gus sharing toys



I was going to carry on and talk about Gran Helen arriving (later on this day) and then our trip to the seaside, but our internet is being very very slow with the photos, so I will try again tomorrow. Meanwhile today in Zurich we did some shopping for halloween and Ilona's birthday, ate some sushi, went to the supermarket, and all that jazz

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