Tuesday 3 November 2015

halloween 2015


Obvs this weekend it was halloween. I bought the biggest pumpkin I could find in Zurich, and carved it Saturday afternoon (pictured above). Emily had found some other parents and kids to trick or treat with, so she took Bluet and Ilona while I waited for other parties of kids and parents to come calling for sweets. I think we had 5 groups visiting our house, I hope some were genuinely scared by our giant pumpkin. Bluet decided she wanted to dress as a princess. Sadly the only photo I took is the one above, but Bluet did draw a picture of herself trick or treating, which is more or less as good. Also, a witch and a skellington.



Ilona got to dress as a zebra because we already had a zebra costume (see halloweens passim). Anyway, as she was the cutest zebra anyone had ever seen, she got plenty of treats.


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