Monday 28 December 2015



The first part of our Christmas Holiday (which too be honest was more tiring than going to work) was to pile into the car on the Friday before Christmas, and drive across Europe to visit Andrew and Maria in Slovakia. This drive would've been fine has we not encountered 3 hour long tail backs and some torrential rain - as a result we finally arrived in Bratislava at about 23:30. The next day we were all surprisingly awake, and managed to go eat some Slovak delicacies at the Christmas market. Ilona became rather taken with Andrew, asking to be carried by 'im or to sit with 'im at every opportunity.

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The kids then got to make some Xmas cookies (See previous video) and angels

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The most exciting thing at the Xmas market were some sheep


Ilona was also very excited when 'im gave her some 'bippers' (slippers) for Christmas, as until then she'd had to make do with adult ones...

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