Wednesday 31 August 2016

Garden games


The other day when I got home, Bluet and Ilona wanted me to watch their circus. Here it is:

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Then yesterday, they wanted to play football, which obviously is to be encouraged

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At other times they eat ice cream
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Or even wear crowns


Tuesday 30 August 2016

Summer visitors

When we came back from the US we had visitors the very next day - Steve, Dorthea, Caroline and Madeline arrived by train all the way from the Swindon area. This certainly distracted us from the jet lag (and was great fun). We did some wandering around Zurich, and the like, and lots of playing outside. We also fired up the BBQ, and enjoyed the end of summer weather (which is still here this week).

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(and here are Bluet and Ilona at the end of our holiday, waiting at Chicago airport to fly home)
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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Back to school

Bluet started back at kindergarten yesterday. Now she is a somer vogelle (Butterfly) she gets to go two afternoons a week! Here she is yesterday just before her first day back

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Monday 22 August 2016


After leaving St Louis, we spent a couple of days in Wisconsin with Emily's friends from university, including a trip to an old Native American encampment (Aztalan)

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And then a night in the big city, Madison WI

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(they were both v. tired when we arrived)

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Sunday 21 August 2016

More cousins, St Louis, Ozarks and the Zoo

Some more days with Nate and Lila
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We had some time for another trip to the cabin in the Ozarks, for a canoe trip with Lila and Nate (not pictured)
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Here is Bluet eating honey nut cheerios, just like every other day of the trip


Bluet also invented a rope jumping game

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After the farms, we went up to St Louis to go to the Zoo and the baseball

(Ilona and Bluet went up with Abatha, Scott, Nate and Lila a day early so we could pack up in peace. Here are the pictures we were sent to assure us they were ok)

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