Monday 30 April 2018

A full house

Then we had a lot of visitors descend on our house - Steve, Dorthea, Caroline and Madeleine came from Swindon, and Boris, Liisa, Eva and Amos travelled to see us from Finland. It was just like the old days in New York and Fire Island, except with many added children. Anyway, we managed to have the first BBQ of the year, visit the Zoo and the Dinosaur Museum, and entertain all the kids with an Easter Egg Hunt.

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Bluet says Peacocks are her favourite animal, because of the tail feathers



A walk to the nearby farm where you can buy raw milk, where the children decided they needed to wear the same jacket
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Monday 16 April 2018

Wilder in America

3 weeks ago Emily, Wilder and I went house hunting in Connecticut (spoiler alert, we didn't yet find one). Anyway, I think he appreciated the extra attention, trips to Target etc, and Ilona and Bluet had great fun with Veronika for the 3 days I was away.

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We bought Wilder his first cheerios - he loved them. In fact, in the 2 weeks since he has more or less decided he doesn't want to eat anything he can't pick up with his own hand, which makes it a little tricker to keep him fed, and the floor underneath his chair clean.

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Ilona and Bluet outdoors in Switzerland

And playing with the Lego I brought back from New York