Friday 28 September 2012

Highly recommended things to watch and listen to

A few odds and ends from the last week. First, last Sunday Bluet got to meet a real life horse in the park, part of some public safety patrol. He was called Monty, and although Bluet wanted to stick her fingers up his nose, she did get to pat him gently on the side and was very impressed. As long as this doesn't make her want to have a pony when she is older, I'm happy, as she was rapt.

Then in the last couple of days Bluet has started to say 'no way' which is by far the cutest of all her tricks. To be honest, she seems to be over it this evening, but I captured it this morning - highly recommended for your listening pleasure:

Then there is also this video from last weekend, of Bluet feeding the goats at the central park zoo - also marvellous:

Finally, a slighly older video of Bluet (i.e. a couple of weeks forgotten about on the phone). Here, she plays music - some of the playgrounds have these musical bells incorporated into the climbing machinery. It is possible to use them to play 'twinkle twinkle little star' (or 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Zed' or 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' as all 3 are the same song) if you are an accomplished musician. Bluet prefers improvisation to these cliched tunes.

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