Sunday 30 September 2012

This weekend

we had nothing big planned, so just walked about a lot. On Saturday we went to Central Park, but it was mostly shut so that Neil Young and the Foo Fighters could make poverty history (although if you have to listen to the Foo Fighters to make poverty history, I might not bother). So instead we went downtown to where you get the ferry to Staten Island and walked around a bit. Bluet was happy as she could play in the dirt. If you squint you can even see the Statue of Liberty in the background of some of these photos.

Today, I took Bluet to play football in the park - she is very good and I am very proud, as you can see from this video of Bluet dribbling better than many adults I know (NB this is not a pun).

After that (and Bluet's nap), we went shopping to get some smart clothes for Bluet for a Wedding  we are going to next week, so I expect there will be some photos of that too.

On the way home, Saturday

This is the lawn where they tried to make poverty history (afterwards, on Sunday AM). The stage is in the background

Bluet was allowed to walk free down Park Avenue.

(BTW the audio of Bluet saying 'no way' has been added to the last post here:
Well worth checking out)

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