Having mastered walking and stair climbing, next up is talking. So far we have:
Ba-bye (Bye Bye, with a wave often, sometimes involves closing the door or waving to the school bus that takes Bluet and Ilona every day)
Bey-ey (Belly, accompanied by patting belly)
Za (Zip, accompanied by a small chuckle when he sees a zip)
Chz (Cheese)
Shz (shoes)
Mama (general purpose I want that/what is that/do something for me word)
Done (said at the end of dinner)
Ba (first word, meaning ball. He will also bring you a ball (with great glee) if you ask him to)
Ed (head)
Am (ham)
Pa-pa (paper)
Bk (book, usually involves presenting/gently hitting you with said book until you read it 3 or 4 times)
Ca (car; if he picks up a toy car he will also make the noise a car makes)
Na-na (banana)
Kacka (cracker, as in the foodstuff)
Abby (Happy, often said several times in a row whilst walking around)