Tuesday 31 December 2019

And finally, our Xmas walks

Here is our house all decorated for Xmas

And then photos from 2 of the 3 walks we took on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We took the dog on the first two. The kids complained but ultimately enjoyed themselves, and we all got some much needed exercise (and discovered some new places to walk in the nearby woods).

Christmas 2019

Then of course it was Christmas. We celebrated this year by 1) going and cutting down a tree at the tree farm, just like last year. 2) meeting Father Xmas/Santa at the Redding Roadhouse (Bluet is too old to meet Santa now, as you can (not) see.n 3) Making mince pies, that only I like, but that are also essential at Xmas 4) decorating the tree 5) opening presents (don't know why Wilder is sad in the top picture). And then 6 (next post) going for festive walks. 

New Pet

Earlier this month, we also got our first pet - a puppy called Jewel. The kids were very excited to get her, particularly Wilder, and they still go crazy (and make her crazy) when they play with her. She is currently learning (slowly) to walk with us on her lead

Ilona's 6th Birthday

A month ago now Ilona celebrated her 6th Birthday. This was at the cabins with all the american cousins. As well as Ilona, this also made Wilder very happy as the Happy Birthday song is his favourite, and he loves cake!

Friday 13 December 2019

Thanksgiving trip

For thanksgiving we took a road trip to Missouri - one night on the road each way, stopping in Columbus, Ohio. The day back we managed to travel between snowstorms, arriving home just before 2 inches of snowfall. 

Surprisingly, this was taken at a roadside rest stop (below)

Taco Tuesday in Columbus