Thursday, 17 June 2021

School's out for summer!

Today was Bluet and Ilona's last day of school for the year, and Bluet's last ever day at Redding Elementary. They were very excited. Bluet had a stepping up ceremony which parents got to attend, and a few tears were shed, especially by Bluet's teacher who taught them for the last two years.
You can see Bluet receiving her graduation certificate. Next stop, John Reed Middle School (also in Redding)


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Lacrosse etc

Here is Wilder showing off his painting

Here is Ilona scoring a goal in Lacrosse practice


Missouri 2021

Here are the photos from the trip we took to Missouri last month. It was totally not weird at all going on the aeroplane - in fact it seemed completely normal except everyone was wearing masks. We had to change in Chicago which meant Wilder got to go back and forth on the escalator/travelator about 15 times in an hour - owing to the pandemic I don't think he could ever remember riding one before, so he was obviously really obsessed.

In Missouri the kids got to enjoy Solar Day, which is an event for the local schools hosted at the farm in Charleston - it's been going on for 40 years, and the kids get to see animals like snakes and turtles, and to fish (which Bluet and Ilona did for hours without catching anything). Oh, and there are new kittens at the Ozark farm, which Bluet and Ilona were obsessed by.