Saturday 28 January 2012

Saturday Part II

Well, I have no idea what happened this afternoon, but it must've been wild. You see, Bluet was so exhausted at the end of the day she could barely make it until 19:00. And when I say that, what I mean is that she was in bed before 19:00, and possibly asleep before then too. This is about 30 minutes earlier than the rest of this week. So like I said, the afternoon must've been wild.

Bluet at nap's end

Let's see if I can piece this together. From what I can remember, Bluet woke from her nap around 15:30 (as mentioned in the previous blog post). I read my book whilst she was sleeping (although there is a small possibility I took a short nap too.

Then Bluet drank her bottle, and full of energy, we played in the apartment, dancing to some of the hottest tunes of the moment (and collecting the second of the cool dad points of the day). I made the following video to celebrate her 9 and a bit month birthday, in which she demonstrates her climbing ability.

And then, because the sun was streaming in the window, I decided we should go to the park and enjoy the sun. I pictured Bluet frolicking in the grass, perhaps making daisy chains or blowing the blowy things off of dandelions.

Sadly when we got to the park it was too cold, so we went to the swings instead, walked around the great lawn, and came home around 17:30. On the way back we passed this crazy crane in our street stretching high into the sky. I do not think it interested Bluet that much, to be honest, but while it was dangling over the street it was a little worrisome.

Some small pieces of manchego cheese with rosemary did little to assuage Bluet's growing hunger. So I had to feed her her jar of food. Her pot of Yoghurt. Her bottle of milk. Then, quickly, to the bath. Washed and dried. Then we read some more books, but it soon became apparent she was ready to sleep. I put her in her bed, and with little fuss, her day was over.

That doesn't sound so tiring. So I have no idea what happened.

PS If you asked a baby what she'd make her dad for looking after her all day, she'd probably think for a second, and then say 'chocolate cake'. Bluet cannot cook yet, so I baked myself allegedly the best brownies in the world from a cookbook my Mum gave me for Christmas. They are cooling, and I will eat them after writing this. But I can confirm that the uncooked batter was delicious.

PPS And now, a free evening stretches in front of me. What to do? So many choices.

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