Saturday 28 January 2012

Saturday Part I

This weekend Emily is off to a conference in California, leaving me and Bluet to our own devices. Whilst some may be sceptical, I am confident all will be fine.

Here follows the diary of my first weekend in sole charge of Bluet.

Saturday morning, 9.06am: Bluet woke at 6.30 this morning. Usually this is annoying, as it would be nice to have a Saturday lie-in, but today Emily still needed to pack. After that, we headed to Le Pain Quotidian for some bread and coffee (see previous entry). As I write this we are back in the house, Bluet is trying to go to sleep, and Emily is leaving in 30 minutes.

So far, this whole weekend alone thing is going swimmingly.

12:57PM I type this delicious cheese and tomato sandwich in one hand, laptop in the other. It has been a busy morning. Bluet woke at about 10:42, a little over an hour into her nap. So then it was all action stations. We headed out to the farmer's market on 82nd Street, where Bluet helped me pick out some fruit and veg (an apple is pictured below).

Background Onions

On the way, Bluet was distracted by a dog, and then was surprisingly happy as we waited to cross the street.

Crossing 1st Avenue is fun

After the farmers market, I took Bluet to Charles Shultz Park, on the East River as we were half way there already. Here she swung, slid and finally played in the sandpit.


I gained cool dad points here, as as we were leaving the sandpit, I overheard another dad say 'No, Ella, we're not playing in the sandbox* today'. For brief moments in the sun, we could almost have been at the beach. Today was clearly a good day.


*American for sandpit

By this point it was time to go home. I unpacked my fruit and veg, ate an apple, then gave the core to Bluet to keep her quiet whilst I got her lunch ready. Some delicious home made butternut squash. That went down rapidly.

Apple Eating

Next, time for my lunch. I had hoped to go to the brand new upper east side branch of panera bread, one of America's finest sandwich shop chains, but sadly it hasn't opened yet. So what to do? We ended up buying a baguette and heading home, Bluet fell asleep just as we arrived back, and I carefully transferred her to her bed without waking her up. DISASTER AVERTED!

This is easier than I thought!

Now, time to finish my sandwich.

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