Tuesday 3 January 2012

Catching Up

Well, we certainly were busy over the festive period. Which means there is plenty of catching up to do. I'll do my best over the next few days to deal with the backlog - I expect we'll be caught up by June (approx). Still, in the meantime

You'll swoon at Bluet's new tricks*.
You'll be awed at the amazing places Bluet has been.
You'll cry with laughter with Bluet (not at her).

*Check back tomorrow

For starters, here is Bluet going a little bit mentile on the 8 1/2 hour train ride to Aberdeen. As you can see, so much time on the train had interesting side effects effects. Usually 'That's Not My Monkey', whist good, is just not that funny.

(This video also serves as a record of her 8 month birthday, filmed on December 17th, somewhere in Scotland).

And as the old saying goes, New Year, New Feature - Today we introduce the audio section of the blog. Basically, I discovered how to record sound files and put them online, which is great as Bluet is now talking much more than before. (And you can even download them as mp3s to listen to at your convenience).

As an introductory offer, here is the response Bluet had yesterday to seeing an iPhone; clearly Steve Jobs understood how to create universal appeal.

  Baby sees iPhone at Ryan Hummert Park

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