Friday 17 June 2011

Missives from Missouri

It's party time!
Well my first 5 days without seeing Bluet are now over, and we are happily reunited in Missouri (or, I am happily reunited, and whilst she smiled at me whilst having her nappy changed I'm not 100% sure this is evidence she remembers who I am). Obviously, with a New York apartment to myself over the weekend, I had a marvellous time, doing all the things I used to do before she arrived (e.g. reading, watching TV, going to some record shops and even going to see a gig at a hip lower east side venue).* But the apartment was unnaturally quiet, and a little sad without a small baby around. Fortunately I received daily missives from Missouri, pictures and films of my baby growing up, keeping me from missing her too much. Here they are for your enjoyment.

All dressed up with someplace to go (great great Aunt Mil's)  

A video where she seems to be trying to talk. Warning: this video is so adorable, it may distract you from normal life - e.g. earlier Emily was feeding Bluet, but rather than look at her in real life, she preferred to watch this video. Again.

*Obviously, I can still do all these things when she is around, just not all at once.

Once I arrived, it was clear that she had changed even in such short a time. She is definitely a bit heavier (she does eat a lot), and her face to me looks longer (as I am sure it should). Perhaps she enjoys playing just a little bit more, and her big, toothless grin is a little more prevalent. All in all, it is lovely to see her again

And for all you skeptics out there, here is photographic proof of our reunitation (I believe this is a word, and if not, maybe you can all start using it so that it gets in the next OED?). Plus, Bluet looks non-plussed at meeting her first cat, Cindy.

We ain't in New York City anymore
Over the next few days, Bluet should get to meet her cousins again, go swimming (!), eat, sleep, sit outside and barbeque, ride around on a golf cart, and shoot some guns. One or more of these statements may not be factually correct. I'll post photos as we have them.

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