Saturday 10 December 2011

Back Crawl

Well, you could say the preparations for Christmas are in full swing*. We have just 4 full days left before we leave for the Old Country, so our bags are well and truly packed**.

In the last week, Bluet has mainly been trying to crawl. Unfortunately she has not worked out how to go forwards, no matter how hard she tries, or how desirable the object in front of her. Instead, she can push herself backwards with her hands, often for several metres at a time. However, as this is in the wrong direction of travel, she ends up getting frustrated, especially when she winds up stuck under the sofa. This activity tends to wear her out, so she has been sleeping late into the morning***. It also doesn't make for the cutest video because of the frustration. Instead, here she is playing vigorously yesterday in a break from crawling backwards.

*But you'd be wrong. We've seen a tree being lit, that's it. For some reason Emily won't let me have my own tree this year.
**Or, more accurately, we know where our empty bags are
***i.e. 7AM. Unfortunately we still wake up at 6.15AM, in preparedness.

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