Sunday 18 December 2011

Bluet in Aberdeen

So here we are in Newmachar*, celebrating Bluet's 8 month Birthday. Video to follow.

Right now Bluet is sleeping, Emily is out running, I'm writing a blog and Uncle Nick is being very hospitable. We've eaten traditional Scottish fare (fish and chips, a deep fried Mars bar for afters (surprisingly nice), some butteries for breakfast (Aberdeen's sole contribution to world cuisine, a bread product. Imagine the taste of one tub of salt, one block of butter and a small amount of flour - traditionally eaten smothered with more butter; we opted for baked beans and eggs). Later we will meet some old family friends, and probably take Bluet out in the snow. She seems to be happy so far - must be the bracing Scottish air.

I will also get to look through all my old stuff. Which is very exciting.

So in conclusion, the 8 hour train ride up here was totally worthwhile**. Some might say we are in the middle of a winter wonderland. The plants are lightly dusted with snow, but the sky is blue, and the heating in the bothy where we are sleeping is working remarkably well. We might even avoid frostbite!

*although I always say I grew up in Aberdeen, really it was a small, quite rubbish village a 30 minute drive from the metropolis that is Aberdeen. Our house is nice though.

**Bluet survived a bus ride to Cambridge station, a train to Peterborough, another train from Peterborough to Newcastle, a train from Newcastle to Aberdeen, and then the bus ride to Newmachar. She didn't sleep much, but didn't fuss much either.

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