Sunday 5 February 2012

The City That Sleeps

I for one cannot believe it is the weekend again. I have barely recovered from the last one. Anyway, Bluet has few (if any) bad habits, but this week she decided to wake every morning between 5.30am and 6.00am. This is way too early for me. But what can you do?

Anyway, I was fairly sure that Bluet understood the concept of weekends, and the 'lie in', so I was expecting a good long sleep Friday night. This was not the case. So around 8, Bluet and I left the house in search of adventure. The streets were quiet, drowsy pigeons the only sign of life. We made it to Charles Schulz Park. We had it to ourselves (there was literally no-one there, and by 'literally', I mean 'literally'), as these photos will attest. I thought that some modern day Pied Piper must've magicked away all the other children in New York. Admittedly this seemed unlikely, as why would a Pied Piper whisk away all the Children except Bluet? It makes no sense. Anyway, as we were leaving we finally saw another kid, and I realised that this was not the case. Instead, it appears that New York is actually the city that sleeps, at least on Saturday mornings.

 We walked home via the Farmers market, and Bluet had a brief nap. Then onwards with the rest of the day - including a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Steve, Dorthea, Caroline (who moves so fast she is unphotographable) and Liisa, where after looking at some Art, we read Bluet some books.

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