Thursday 3 May 2012


Having mastered walking, Bluet has moved on to mastering talking. She can (for definite) say "Baby" in response to pictures of any baby, including herself, or if you ask her to say it, as in this audio clip.

This morning I made the coffee whilst Emily got Bluet up. Whilst I was in the kitchen, Emily bought Bluet over, and she said "Daddy" when she saw me. Which was wonderful - and I am 95% sure she meant me (Often she says "Addy" instead). She can also say "Mama" (or Mamamamama) to Emily. Perhaps most impressively she has become interested in counting thanks to a series of cards she was given for her birthday. They have different numbers of circles on them to count, and she points at them, we say "One, Two, Three", and she repeats something vaguely similar back. She can also (sometimes) say "Bye Bye" as she waves bye bye.

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