Friday 29 November 2013

Bluet News

Of course we are missing Bluet very much right now, but this picture cheered me up just now. On Wednesday morning Bluet woke at 6, crying "I need a band-aid" (plaster) over and over again. I went and got her and took her into our room - there was nothing wrong with her, so it must've been a bad dream. But she still wanted a plaster and I didn't have any. So I gave her some duct tape which I did have lying around, and told her it was a plaster. She insisted that she had to stick it to her lip. So here is Bluet with a moustache.


Thursday 28 November 2013

And some videos

These are from yesterday, when Ilona was very hungry, so maybe not at her happiest

And then there were two


From this afternoon:
So here we are in the hospital with Bluet's new baby sister, Ilona corse Collins. We were supposed to be spending this weekend, the last weekend with Bluet as an only child, celebrating thanksgiving with Emily's family just outside of Austin. However, Ilona is here a fortnight early because Emily's blood pressure was really high on Tuesdat at the regular check up (just like with Bluet). So Tuesday Bluet and I dropped Emily at the hospital for a c section the next morning. Other more pressing cases turned up, pushing back the c section to Wednesday afternoon. However this confusion meant that I was heading back home after a visit to the supermarket, so had to turn around and head to the hospital. Ilona was born at 14:49, at which time I think I had just entered the hospital. I think I made it to the room about 5 minutes later - ready to get a first look whilst she was being measured. We then hung around for a while while we waited for a room. Ilona was very hungry and cried a little while she waited to eat. Once she was sated she was happy.

18:43 Emily is having a shower. Ilona is sleeping. She's been eating very well all day. We're hoping they are coming home on Saturday. You may be wondering 'where's Bluet? Surely she isn't at the hospital' and you'd be right. This weekend we were supposed to be spending thanksgiving with Emily's family, and Bluet still is as her Nana came to pick her up yesterday. Last night she shared a bed with her cousin Lila and I hear they were up talking until 22:00. I would love to know what about. Then today she made a chocolate turkey (no idea how Abatha got her to sit still for this photo) and had Wayne explain all about scorpions.
We still haven't found out how long Ilona was when she was born, but the weight was 3.23kg (7lbs 2oz).

Monday 25 November 2013

Winter News

It's cold, so Bluet wore her hat. It is good that it is cold. Much nicer than when it is too hot. After all, when it is cold, you just need to put on a coat (or hat) and you'll be fine. Plus there might be snow.


And then, we moved house. So we had to go to Ikea. Bluet was very tired so she had to sleep in the trolley.

More house news after thanksgiving, I expect. Right now it is boxes everywhere.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Conversation #5

This morning, apropos of nothing, just Bluet remembering something from our time in the uk

"I dropped Miffy"

You did? What happened then?

"Gran Helen put it in her backpack"

Where were you?


(This is not something we've discussed for a couple of months)

Where's Bluet?


Where's Bluet?, a set on Flickr.
This weekend we went somewhere where Bluet could run around, and run around she did. She has boundless energy. Anyway, Bluet is in each and every one of these photos, but can you spot her?

Friday 15 November 2013



Last weekend we went to a water system designed to prevent flooding that doubles as some kind of wildlife haven in the outskirts of the city. We saw a toad and some grasshoppers, and Bluet ran around happily (and far away from us). She has limitless energy for running around outside these days. Then as we were leaving Bluet picked five wild flowers, and gave them to Emily (above).



Thursday 7 November 2013

Wonderful, cold weather

Finally some nice weather is here. We can wear jumpers and sleep without air conditioning. It is wonderful. To celebrate, this weekend we did very little.

On Saturday we had pizza for lunch and Bluet amused herself by dipping her hands in a nearby fountain, then making hand prints. And on Sunday we took a walk to the Zoo, where after visiting the reptile house and seeing the tigers, Bluet practiced sitting cross-legged and wearing sunglasses because 'my eyes hurt'.



Monday 4 November 2013

Bluet's Dolls

Was looking for where Bluet had put her pillows because they weren't on the bed. I found them on the floor, where they had been used as sleeping mats for her dolls, just like Bluet's naptime at school.