Sunday 8 June 2014

So here we are

We have finally arrived in Zurich (well, to be honest, we have been here since Thursday morning). But first, let's recap last week. We were given the choice of where to have the visa appointment for the Americans amongst us - I think it was Atlanta, LA, Chicago or New York, so obviously we chose the world's greatest city. We then decided to use this as an opportunity to spend a bit more time in NYC. Initially we were all going to go for ~4 days, but then owing to a delay in getting the visa appointment I wound up with 5 nights in New York by myself before Emily and the kids arrived - and they were happy too, because it was an extra 5 nights for them in Missouri. Whilst in New York on my own I walked about a lot, went to the baseball game, did some record shopping and caught up with friends.

For my birthday, I was one of the few people at a Mets game


Then when Bluet, Ilona and Emily arrived, we had a couple more days of fun. I took Bluet to FAO Schwarz, the giant toy store of 'Big' fame, where Bluet played on (and loved) the giant piano. But even more than that she was fascinated by the life size lego models of Emmet and Stylewild from the lego movie, especially as they had been glued together so she couldn't take them apart. Apologies for the chronological messiness of all this.

For two nights we stayed in a hotel on Times Square (the worst part of Manhattan - I think this was the first time we ever took Bluet there) where Bluet was fascinated by the telephone, and permitted to jump on the bed.

And Ilona got to swing for the first time - and liked it as much as Bluet ever did

Bluet found some bubbles

And then we hung out with our friends who have twin girls a little younger than Bluet (the next day Bluet went to their third birthday party at a dance studio, which she loved. Bluet was delighted to discover they were also fans of Peppa pig. 

New York is tiring for babies

Bluet at the dance studio
Bluet post visa interview
Bluet pre visa interview
Lunch at PQ
Also, Ilona is getting very good at sitting up, and her first tooth has broken through

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