Tuesday 9 September 2014

Things to do in Zurich Part I

Over the next few posts, some things you too can do if you choose to visit Zurich

Our first activity requires you ride the tram to the dinosaur museum.


It doesn't actually have many dinosaurs, but it did have a big exhibition about fear that Bluet enjoyed very much, not for the educational material, but because it was interactive. Here are some photos of a video screen thing that was supposed to demonstrate your hair standing on end when you are scared. I am not sure it did that, but the photos are interesting.


Near our house is the river, which also has a paddling pool and a hydroelectric plant

Zurich new house

If even that is too far (and there is a very steep hill to negotiate on the way home) you can always play hopscotch on the porch




Finally, on a Sunday when everything is shut, why not ride the train out of the city, and go to a farm which is now a tourist trap. Great for the kids - Bluet spent hours running around, jumping and playing in the goat pen.

And what could be more American than a bald eagle made of pumpkins (if we weren't now in Switzerland)?

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