Wednesday 6 May 2015

Rain and Trains

Last Friday was the 1st of May holiday so we had a 3 day weekend. Unfortunately the weather was miserable, so we had to postpone our BBQ in the garden until Saturday, when there was an interval in the rain. On Sunday we decided that if it was going to be a wet weekend, we needed to go somewhere. So early in the morning, after enjoying a Starbuck's coffee, we boarded the train and headed to Luzern to visit the Swiss transport museum. It is a lot like other transport museums, but smaller. There were some cool mountain trains, and Ilona was delighted to see all the aeroplanes, running around shouting 'airplane' 'airplane' 'airplane' just like Benny shouts 'spaceship' in the Lego movie. So a good afternoon's entertainment, and then we headed back on the train with the playground on the top deck, which excites all children.
Ilona awaiting the BBQ
At Starbucks
On the train. Note rain on the window
On a boat at the museum

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