Sunday 21 June 2015

Swiss weather (part I)

Last weekend it was summer. We purchased a paddling  pool for the garden, filled it with water, and Bluet and Ilona were easily entertained.

Another weekend in swimming costumes and sun hats. This made entertaining the kids ever so easy, as we could make full use of the garden


We also bought Ilona her own swing, so that she and her sister could swing together


Sunday, still sunny, so another playground, another swing


And even time for a game of snakes and ladders before snacks

Aside: Ilona is getting very big - there are some 3 word sentences these days, and she is getting very good at answering yes-no questions accurately. Mostly in English (to us at least). Her favourite German word for the last 2 or 3 months has been 'jacke' (pronounced 'Yakka', meaning 'jacket'. she says this a lot as she likes to put on her coat and go outside (to swing). She also says 'shoe' and 'milk' in a German way. Bluet meanwhile likes to tell us what the German word for various things is, but will occasionally be overheard counting to herself in German, often on the swing, or singing a German song from playgroup.


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