Sunday 26 July 2015

Back in the U.S.A.

We've been back in the U.S.A. for a week now, which has been eventful, and flown by. It started when our plane had to make an emergency landing in London because one of the three hydraulic systems had sprung a leak. The landing was the same as any other, and then we sat on the runway while they fixed the problem. This took 3 hours, and as you can probably guess 3 extra hours on a plane with kids is no fun. However, we then flew safely across the atlantic. When we landed we stayed at Newark airport, because we'd missed our connection, and then early the next day we flew to St Louis. When we arrived we discovered that Hamil had been bitten by a snake in the night, while camping (he is now fine). Like I said, eventful. And then while we were preparing for our canoeing/camping trip that we leave for in a few minutes, we had two flat tyres in 2 days on the canoe trailer. Still, everything seems to have settled down now and the kids are happy playing outside and inside with plenty of other kids (a friend of Emily's, Kara, is here also with her family; they are coming canoeing too). So, here are the photos I managed to upload so far:


3 cousins, watching spongebob at the neighbours last night, where we went for a picnic


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