*Ilona seemed to think the main point of the trip was to see Della

Bored at the airport waiting to head to Slovakia

The more unsafe something is, the more it appeals

Wildlife 1

Wildlife 2


On Saturday it was the party for real. More people turned up - mainly friends of my parents from back in the day, including people I hadn't seen since we moved from Cambridge to Aberdeen back in the 80s. It brought back memories of Sunday lunches with other kids who are also now grown up.
Meanwhile for the kids there was a range of activities that was almost as good as Alton Towers:
A death slide:

A swing (and Uncle Nick)

Arts and crafts (and Uncle Nick)

And a hammock with room for 3

Painting your own face

We then went out for dinner at the only local bar - fortunately this a) started at 4PM and b) had a garden with climbing frame, so the kids were able to enjoy it too.

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