Tuesday 8 August 2017


Hello again, we've been rather busy in the 4 weeks since Wilder was born - Veronika has been away for the last 3 weeks, so we had first Gran Helen, and then Andrew and Maria come and help with the big kids. So first, here are some of the things we got up to with Gran Helen

This is Wilder after his first bath. He wasn't that impressed. He has had several more since then, but I don't think his attitude has changed
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This is the photo we used so Gran Helen could pick Ilona up from her Kinder Kripe, where she now goes 3 mornings a week


While Gran Helen was here we took the opportunity to go out for Lunch with some friends, and without Bluet and Ilona; as their kids also weren't there we were able to have adult conversations. i.e. Wilder's first visit to a restaurant


We also went to the zoo - the kids prefered the slide to the animals
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(Without Wilder)

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