We even managed to fit in Wilder's first trip to New York (and Ilona's first one she can remember). It was more or less in and out, a quick stroll to Central Park via the Lego store. We ate lunch in Bryant Park and Ilona vaguely saw the Empire State Building
We were in a temporary house in Danbury (we've been in our new house for almost 1 month now, so these are a little old). Anyway, it was near a bounce park, which Bluet and Ilona are actually at right now (it's a day off school for them).
The temporary apartment had a pool and a rainbow
And looked like this
They also had some swimming lessons to get them up to speed, and before school started
Just in case you've run out of things to watch on Netflix. Right now Wilder is starting to speak, and sometimes makes a little sense (he seems to answer yes to questions sometimes), but mostly he says 'gum'