Wednesday 30 September 2020

Back to School

As of September 8th the girls are back at school on Mondays and Tuesdays, but hopefully next week they go back full time and everything goes back to relatively normal - they certainly have had enough of online home school by now. Wilder is also back at daycare, and although every morning he tells us he isn’t going to Apple Blossom, we’re convinced he’s happy to be there and see his friends every day. Meanwhile the cat is happy to have the house to herself again. 


Outdoor Activities

We just bought a small football goal and a basketball hoop. This means as long as it isn’t raining the kids are pretty happy to play outside - Ilona also told me today she really likes hockey now she scored her first goal in one of the practices. Meanwhile Wilder would rather play in a big pile of small stones we had delivered for the garden. Also, there’s a picture of Ilona reading in her favourite place, her bed, her favourite chapter book, mercy Watson. 


Tuesday 29 September 2020

Emily’s Birthday

 This year Bluet baked Emily’s cake and iced it by herself - over lock down baking has been her favourite hobby. We also went out for dinner for the first time since March as a family  and ate pizza  

The beach

 This weekend we went with our neighbours down to long beach island in New Jersey to soak up the last of the sun. We ate plenty of sea food and the kids enjoyed playing in the sea (the girls for hours, Wilder until he fell over in a wave and scraped his knee).