Friday 30 October 2020


We went to a socially distanced birthday/halloween party across the street last weekend, where the kids got to decorate pumpkins. We also have some decorations in our front garden. And today the kids wore halloween jumpers to school.


Muddy Puddles

 Here is Wilder jumping in Muddy Puddles. The weather has taken a turn for the wet, and it even snowed today (though it didn't settle). Gran Helen said it reminded her of the video of Bluet below it:

Monday 26 October 2020

Autumn activities 1

 The months of September and October the girls get to play hockey a few times a week. Yesterday they got to play for the towns of Redding and Easton against Newtown - you can maybe pick them out here in the distance. They won both the games they played (7 a side) and therefore it was about the most fun they’ve ever had playing a sport. Also Wilder pulling some silly faces while we watched, and Ilona and Wilder at hockey a previous weekend  

Pajama Day

 For some reason I don’t understand kids these days think it’s a tremendous treat to get to wear pajamas all day and today they even got to wear them to school. Strange times.