Saturday 25 February 2012

10 Months and Walking

Last week Bluet past the 10 month milestone, and it looks like by 11 months she will be walking. She also has her two bottom front teeth emerging from the gums, although they are not all the way out. Before Xmas, whilst visiting New York her British Grandad bought her a walking trolley thing which initially scared her. However, in the last 2 or 3 days, she has got quite adept at using it, as you can see in the following vid. So, all in all, an excellent present.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Two ends of the day

in the morning, Bluet wakes around 6.30am, which is a little too early to be honest. However, we chill out and drink her coffee, maybe she watches a little sesame street, then she eats her oatmeal. After that if we are lucky she will be in a playful mood, easily fascinated by the world around (this is the case most days). The other day she spent that time reading her favourite book, "Pat the Bunny" as you can see.

Later, when we are home from work and Bluet has eaten, it is bath time. This is fun for all the family, and Bluet loves it so much that as soon as she hears the sound of running water, as you can see in the next video. In this case, no clever camera tricks or video editing were used in the production of this vid - she really can move that fast these days.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bluet's Sounds of the Week

It is very hard to capture Bluet sounds - she tends to stop when the iPhone comes out to record her. Obviously I could capture plenty of fussing and crying pre-nap, when she is trying to get to sleep, but who wants to hear that (certainly not I). Here are a couple of snippets of her talking that I did manage to curate this week.

Monday 20 February 2012

Visitors from Missouri

Well it was a busy weekend for us on Bluet's 10th Month BIrthday - her grandparents came to visit from Missouri, and I think I can safely say a good time was had by all. On Friday whilst I was at work everyone else headed out for fun in the city, and maybe Emily (or Bluet) will Blog about that.

On Saturday we headed to brunch at the Atlantic Grill, where Bluet enjoyed the free crayons, as you can see here. 

After brunch I took Bluet home to sleep whilst everyone else went off to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a long nap.

Here she is, raring to meet up with everyone else, minutes after awakening.

After she woke, she and I traversed the park as fast as possible (her in the pram and me pushing) and met everyone else at the Whole Foods Market (New York's finest supermarket chain) where there just happens to be a rather cosy bar. Here, Bluet particularly enjoyed looking at people buying cheese out of the window, then, later on, she looked at us in through the window, and waved. She is getting good at this.

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Is an exciting day as for the first time Bluet is eating exactly the same food as us - macaroni cheese (although she left out the ketchup required to make it really delicious). I decided to take a photo using the flash. Here it is. It made Bluet laugh and close her eyes

Sunday 12 February 2012

This weekend

Bluet mostly got much better at crawling (the video is from earlier in the week, so she is even better now). I worked on teaching her the concept of 'thank you' (it's early days), she danced to some music (by flinging her arms around), put her fingers out to touch the snow, and went swimming, but you'll have to ask Emily about that.

These pics are mainly from last weekend. First, looking at pigeons in the park.

Then this person was on the bus in front of us. Bluet assumed that the hair was some kind of animal and was almost uncontrollable with excitement. Fortunately we managed to distract her from her goal of petting said animal.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Bluet's lunch

We are eating lunch. Bluet loves hers as you can see (ours is yet to arrive)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Bluet Sounds

A selection of recent noises, in reverse chronological order:

Sunday 5 February 2012

Bluet is watching the Super Bowl

She likes it less than the world Series

The City That Sleeps

I for one cannot believe it is the weekend again. I have barely recovered from the last one. Anyway, Bluet has few (if any) bad habits, but this week she decided to wake every morning between 5.30am and 6.00am. This is way too early for me. But what can you do?

Anyway, I was fairly sure that Bluet understood the concept of weekends, and the 'lie in', so I was expecting a good long sleep Friday night. This was not the case. So around 8, Bluet and I left the house in search of adventure. The streets were quiet, drowsy pigeons the only sign of life. We made it to Charles Schulz Park. We had it to ourselves (there was literally no-one there, and by 'literally', I mean 'literally'), as these photos will attest. I thought that some modern day Pied Piper must've magicked away all the other children in New York. Admittedly this seemed unlikely, as why would a Pied Piper whisk away all the Children except Bluet? It makes no sense. Anyway, as we were leaving we finally saw another kid, and I realised that this was not the case. Instead, it appears that New York is actually the city that sleeps, at least on Saturday mornings.

 We walked home via the Farmers market, and Bluet had a brief nap. Then onwards with the rest of the day - including a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Steve, Dorthea, Caroline (who moves so fast she is unphotographable) and Liisa, where after looking at some Art, we read Bluet some books.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Education education education

Unfortunately you can't hear her squeal at the pictures of lions and babies