Sunday 25 March 2012


Over the last few days Bluet has started to experiment with the world. First, she tried to figure out who the baby in the mirror is - first by pressing her forehead up against Teulb's** head, basically giving the mirror a Glasgow Kiss**, then trying to look behind the mirror for the other baby.

**wow Bluet looks funny with so little hair

Next, while in the park yesterday, she found a second pair of shoes in the bottom of the pram, and spent a good couple of minutes holding first the new shoe, and then the shoe with her foot in it, comparing and contrasting.

Finally, she got her walking thing with wheels (see 10 month vid) stuck, and with a lot of effort and shuffling around the different sides of the vehicle, almost got it turned around so she could start walking with it again.

Unfortunately I have photos of none of these events, so instead please enjoy these 2 photos from South Carolina, which are currently my favourite pics of Bluet ever.


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