Wednesday 21 March 2012

Unofficial take your daughter to work day

Today, Bluet came down to visit me at work for the first time. This was very exciting for me, if not for her. So the nanny dropped her off at 4:30 and Bluet came up to the lab. She was slightly overwhelmed by all the new sights* but made friends with some colleagues. Here she is hanging with Afro. Then we went with Matthieu, Claire and Manon to a private play park which Bluet loved as she had the freedom of a wide open space to push this plastic thing. She even went user some play equipment which was too low for me to follow. When she can actually walk I suspect she will be uncontrollable.

*i can remember going with my Dad to his lab when I was a kid. As I remember it we would sometimes go to the Zoology Department in Cambridge. We would enter through the museum, past a skellington of a prancing horse, and then my Dad and I would pass through dimly lit and empty labs making sure the freezers had not failed over the weekend because I guess they were more unreliable back then. I wonder if this really was what we were doing? Who can say? What ever it was it used to be very exciting.

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