Sunday 29 April 2012

Proper Walking

Yesterday in the park Bluet demonstrated her walking skills.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Dinner time

These days Bluet really only wants to eat what we are eating. This means when I get home from work there is an approximately five minute window to prepare everyone's dinner before Bluet starts to wonder where her food is.

Today I made a delicious cheese, tomato and onion omelette. When I looked over, there was Bluet happily playing in the corner. Perfect, she was happy and I could cook. Turns out she was in the middle of a project - to remove all the flaps from 'Where's Spot'. Today she got the rug the turtle hides under. Fortunately we have two copies of this classic volume. Here she is, cardboard rug in hand.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Goodness Me

Surely Bluet can't really be a year old already? How strange. What a year. And I am pretty sure it was worth it, she is now MUCH cuter than a year ago, and far more interactive. Here she is earlier today, showing off her latest trick, walking unaided across the room - although she's been able to take a few steps for a few days, today was the day she really sussed this walking thing. There is no stopping her.

In other news, everyone should be safely back in the UK. That visit also went fast, but was very enjoyable - on Monday we walked across Brooklyn Bridge, on Tuesday we met for lunch downtown, and on Wednesday we met near Sloan Kettering for lunch. Some photos of those events are here:

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Today when Emily returned from running Bluet tried on her hat, to great amusement

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Happy Birthday Bluet!

So technically today was the big day, but as Emily and I both went to work, the real celebration of Bluet's birthday was Sunday in the park. It's ok, I don't think she minds. Sadly I failed to capture any video of the big (Sun)day. Fortunately, in a Zapruder style, Steve did. So if you weren't there, here is your chance to enjoy Bluet's first ever slice of cake, and some football.

Monday 16 April 2012


Bluet's party in the park yesterday was a great success - no one was arrested, there was plenty of food and the cake was delicious. Bluet had a great time, despite missing out on her afternoon nap, and I even got to play football with Caroline, who appears to have learnt my name, which is very sweet.

Still, we're not quite caught up with the events of Friday and Saturday; after the park (see previous post) we walked down to grand central to meet Gran Helen and Uncle Nick. As you can't really go anywhere interesting from Grand Central these days, we instead went to the Oyster bar for lunch. After that, we went round MoMA, and took in some art. Della apparently liked the Pollocks, whilst Bluet was too tired, and had to head home.

Saturday, we met at the Jackson Hole diner for breakfast, then Emily, Bluet and I went off to run errands in preparation for the BIG DAY Sunday. Saturday night, it was adult party time (not that kind of adult party) to Celebrate Angela's birthday; mexican food at Cascabel, followed by a trip to an English bar (James Wood Foundry) and then American Trash. Let's hope everyone recovered from that in time for Bluet's Birthday Bash!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Let's shake hands

After the haircut we headed over to the park. As Bluet and Della rode side by side in their prams, they would often look at each other. On one street we discovered a TV show being made (White Collar, yes, me neither. Although we did spot a guy we'd seen in House the previous night). As we stopped to watch the creative process, Bluet and Della shook hands, as captured in this video. Indeed, they seem to be very interested in each other.

We carried on walking, and headed down through the park, stopping for a coffee and walking practice.

OK, We will have to pause here due to a Bluet distraction

Friday 13 April 2012

Visting Relations

This weekend, Bluet's family from England descended upon us. This included my brothers, Angela, Della and Gran Helen. They were here to sample the delights of New York and celebrate Bluet's first birthday.

First thing Thursday morning, the Collins brothers were reunited on the football pitch for the first time in probably 15 years, since the heady days of 3 and in in our garden in Newmachar. I believe our team won, no doubt thanks to the hand-embroidered shirts provided by Nick. I have no photos of this, but Simon and Nick do. Don't know if they will share, though.

Things really got moving today as Emily and I had both gone to work yesterday, but took today off. Still, the day was not without some controversy, on which you may yourselves have an opinion.

Picture this: a court room, somewhere far far away. You join us as a rather fine and upstanding lawyer is presenting his case to the court.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, being fine upstanding citizens, and sound in body and mind, please consider the case I put before you. A simple case where no crime has been committed. A case revolving around the hair on the head of a beautiful young girl (the plaintiff, "Bluet"). You see, your honour, if I may call you that, it turns out on this beautiful sunny day, the mother of the plaintiff "Emily" had decided was the day for Bluet's first haircut. But "why?" I hear you all cry. I hear your gnashing and wailing of teeth. Because, as I present to the jury now, here is said plaintiff on the morning of said "haircut".

What's that. Oh, I see. Yes, well if your honour insists. Yes, I will withdraw my case in light of this evidence.
With no case, the haircut went ahead. And the plantiff Bluet was wonderfully behaved. This was in part because she got to watch Elmo and play with toys during the whole process, watched by her parents, and Simon and Angela. But not Della because she was sleeping.

After her haircut, Bluet got a balloon and a certificate

OK, we will have to break there. More about the visit, with, you know, some stuff actually about the visitors tomorrow.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Sounds of April

Bluet can kind of say 'baby'. She can kind of say 'bye'. She can kind of say 'banana'. Baby is the one she is best at - she seems to know what it means, as she says it when she sees a photo of a baby on her shampoo bottle (although she may equally think it means 'shampoo'. She also squeals high pitchedly when she sees dogs. These are all impossible to capture audioally. Here are some noises I have recorded over the last few days.

At weekends

When we go to the park we like to make sure Bluet is camouflaged. You know, just in case

Sunday 1 April 2012

We all went to the zoo today

We made it as far as the petting zoo in central park. Bluer was rather taken with the goats, as you can see. She squealed with laughter every time one brushed past her hand. Maybe we will have to fulfil her British grandfather's dream and get one for home