Thursday 25 October 2012

A belated post

The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that in order to catch up on the blogposts, I skipped a weekend. That was the weekend when Emily's sister Abatha came to visit New York, which was a lot of fun - let me see how much I can remember......

So we went to Chelsea Market for Brunch on Saturday. Bluet became fascinated with this door because the step clicked every time she walked over it. Which was many many times.

Then Bluet got to run up and down the Market. It is a covered one with lots of slopes and steps leading off down corridors to run down. Also, a very fascinating illuminated floor.

Sadly I didn't manage to get many photos of Bluet hanging out with her Aunt. I am pretty sure that Bluet enjoyed their time together, especially when she got to see photos of her cousin Lila on the iPhone (pictured below). You can read the story from the other side, and see a few more photos here. I think there was also an exciting baseball victory in there somewhere, although I don't think we are talking about baseball anymore this year.

Once Abatha was on the plane home we went to the Met, and Bluet climbed stairs then lay on the floor.

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