Sunday 21 October 2012

Weekend in New York

It has been a busy last few weeks, so this weekend we are mainly enjoying doing nothing together. First thing Saturday, we went for a walk and to do some errands,

Then we went to the Library across the Street from our house. For some reason despite the convenience, it is the first time we have done this. Bluet found a book about Elmo, obviously, and climbed on some chairs.

Then it was nap and lunchtime for everyone. After lunch we headed to the park together for the first time in forever. I discovered that there is now a panorama function on the iphone, so I used it. See if you can spot Emily and Bluet in this photo.

We headed off through the park in the general direction of the playground. Of course, Bluet really wanted to play in the mud and pick up sticks.

And play with the straps on her pram, even though she can do that in the comfort of her own home. She now knows how to click the plastic clicky things together, but not how to open them up. So she clicks them shut, then holds out her hands to show us she is done, and ask us to unclick the clicky things so she can click them again. Ad infinitum.

Eventually Bluet tired of clicking clicky things, and we moved closer to the playground. See if you can spot Bluet and Emily in this panorama

Finally, we made it to the playground.

Bluet then spent some time learning to swing on the big swings. Right now she doesn't seem to be enjoying it. She is just concentrating really hard about not falling off.

After a tiring day, she read a different Elmo book on the ride home.

This morning, Bluet and I headed back to the park while Emily worked on tidying the house. It was a beautiful cold and sunny day.

We stopped a while on the great lawn, and Bluet clicked the clicky things again. She also played a bit of football - she is getting v. good.

I took another panorama. Here you should be able to spot Bluet quite easily as the park was very quiet.

We then headed to Barnes and Noble via Panera bread, where Bluet and I shared a bagel. On the way she took off her shoe, then her sock, and spent the next 10 minutes trying to put the sock back on. She is not very good at it yet.

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