Monday 5 November 2012

Post hurricane news

So the hurricane blew through our lives like a gentle sea breeze, and things were soon back to normal. Bluet even dressed up as a zebra for Halloween, and ate her first chocolate- we trick or treated a twix from the doorman. She enjoyed it very much.

In talking news, Bluet's word of the week was 'apple' which seems to apply to all non-banana shaped fruit. She said this a lot. Closely followed by 'juice' which means she wants a drink - often water and milk are 'juice'. And 'owl' as she loves her toy owl that she sleeps with, and saw many owls at the natural history museum this weekend. Also she can say 'okkar' (Oscar the Grouch) and 'cookie' (cookie monster) making at least 10% of her vocabulary muppet related.

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