Saturday 27 April 2013

Budding Graffiti Artist

Today seemed like a very long day. Bluet isn't used to napping in her big girl bed, so it took forever for her to get settled. Then a huge storm blew into town, really big rain with thunder ("boom boom" as Bluet says) and lightening, so we've been stuck in doors since this morning. So when Bluet finally was happy and quiet, we assumed she was drawing on her new chalk board. So we left her too it for a long, long time, alone in her room. We then enjoyed our respite from Bluet supervision. Of course, she wasn't only drawing on her blackboard, but also on the walls. Whilst her style is rather good and colourful, I am not sure that it is exactly permitted in our tenancy agreement. Still, it is only chalk. And it kept her quiet and happy for a long, long time. So long that by the time I took this photo, daylight was gone and the room was too dark, hence the poor quality. I think we need to work out a way for her to do her art that 1) doesn't damage property and 2) can be preserved for posterity.


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