Saturday 26 April 2014

More Bluet Birthday Pics

I didn't have that much time to take pictures during Bluet's party, but here you can see Bluet's cake. Plus, you will observe that as soon as Bluet saw the paddling pools being filled, she went and got her swimming costume.


Friday 25 April 2014

Some things Bluet made

Here is Peppa Pig making dinner


And here you can see 'Big Emmet and Big Stylewyld' in a 'lovely flower garden'


Tuesday 22 April 2014

Spot the difference

The other day after Emily had been running, she was lying stretching on the floor, and Ilona did her best to do the same. See if you can spot the difference.


Also, here is Ilona enjoying the sofa


Monday 21 April 2014

Birthday Party News

Yesterday we celebrated Bluet's birthday in style, with a birthday party featuring easter eggs, paddling pools, a BBQ, cake (with icing to be eaten with a single finger) and some friends. It was terrific fun, and Bluet really enjoyed having people around to play with. So our first, last and indeed only party in Texas was a great success.

Here is a video of Bluet blowing out the candles. More photos to follow

Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday

Unbelievably Bluet is now 3 (I probably said similar when she turned 1 and 2). This morning we let her open a few of her big pile of presents before school, but mainly she wanted to run around with her birthday balloons, and put on her birthday dress.

When we got to school, Bluet ran into the classroom, and told her teacher that it was her birthday, so I think she is pretty excited. We will have more present opening, spaghetti and cake when she gets home from school, and a proper party on Sunday.


Thursday 10 April 2014

Not a Texan

Don't know how this will work out, but this activity thing from Bluet's school is worth downloading and taking a look at.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Tuesday 8 April 2014


This morning:

Bluet: "When I am an Owl, I will eat mice"

Me: "And fly?"

Bluet: "Yes, and have wings"

Me: "And Feathers?"

Bluet: "No, I will have Owl Hair"

On Sunday it was raining, which would usually be a bad thing, but Bluet loves her wellies and all umbrellas, so I took her to Willow Water Hole (where the Blue Bonnets are) to run about in the rain. It was very difficult to get her to leave, because she was dry because she had an umbrella on her head. Yesterday, Bluet wore her raincoat to school, and refused to take it off all day, even wearing it to sleep



As you know, Bluet loves slides. While we were in New York we took her to Tompkins Square park where there was a lady making balloon animals and other things, just for fun. Bluet quickly clocked that this woman was giving away the balloon creations, so stood there and patiently watched while the lady made a balloon flower. She then took the flower gladly, and ran around the park like a crazy person, taking it several times on the slide.

Then  she fell over and burst one of the leaves of the balloon flower, rendering it lopsided. So she returned and stood patiently by the lady until she fixed it by re-twisting a balloon. But sadly the flower now had a leak and slowly the stem shrank. This upset Bluet who returned to the lady one last time, and had the stem replaced with a plastic stick. Bluet ran around some more, and the flower looked worse and worse, and she got more and more upset and had to be bribed to leave and go home with vegan ice cream.

Monday 7 April 2014

Ilona's first meal

This Saturday we took the plunge and fed Ilona her first 'real' food - some rice cereal in milk. As you can see from the ACTUAL PHOTO of her first ever mouthful and accompanying video, she rather enjoyed it, even if it was quite messy. I recommend watching the video at the bottom so you can hear Ilona's happy noises. And for reference, here is Bluet's first meal







Oh, go on then. One more bite


Wednesday 2 April 2014

Texas Blue Bonnets

If Bluet's Mum had been born in Texas, chances are she would have been called 'Blue Bonnet', not Bluet (Full name 'Texas Blue Bonnet Corse Collins'). She has learnt all about Blue Bonnets (the Texas State Flower), where she was also told not to pick them, but nothing was said about sitting in them, so here is Bluet doing just that. She told us it was like a bath.

Blue bonnets
Blue bonnets