Thursday 22 May 2014

life on the farm

Of course, most of the time it is a big treat for Bluet if she gets to do something without Ilona, or to spend time with a parent or grandparent alone. But sometimes she decides to show Ilona a toy, or push her around in a pushchair, and it is almost like they are playing. Must be the countryside air.


What Bluet really likes is for Wayne to tell her about snakes (she even found one all by herself in the rocks - a king snake, apparently


This week, we got some pretty good local Mexican food, and Bluet rode a 'burro'


Meanwhile, Ilona has been learning to sit up and has been getting very good at eating - even real banana - and has discovered her toes


Yesterday we went to the pond and Bluet and Thane were both very excited to see each other and play on the dock.


Sometimes Bluet even gets to eat outside


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