Wednesday 30 December 2015



On the Sunday before Xmas, Nana and Wayne flew in from Missouri to Vienna, and were soon with us in Bratislava. We then had the opportunity to see more of the old city (including the castle, where of course Bluet wanted to climb on all the walls, the higher the better). We also had some hot chocolate that was basically just molten chocolate.

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In the city, the ice rink was empty and unattended so Bluet got to live her dream


We then went into the countryside, where the highlight of the whole trip was probably a meal in a pub where we had to march and wade through unlit mud and forrest to get there, a walk that made the food and beer all the more delicious.

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We started the next day with a walk up a nearby hill to look at some sheep, and then a trip to a town with the only Roman inscription in Slovakia
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The next day we visited a ruined castle in the wind, that had once been the home to a woman who was either the greatest serial killer of all time, or extremely unfairly maligned.

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Monday 28 December 2015



The first part of our Christmas Holiday (which too be honest was more tiring than going to work) was to pile into the car on the Friday before Christmas, and drive across Europe to visit Andrew and Maria in Slovakia. This drive would've been fine has we not encountered 3 hour long tail backs and some torrential rain - as a result we finally arrived in Bratislava at about 23:30. The next day we were all surprisingly awake, and managed to go eat some Slovak delicacies at the Christmas market. Ilona became rather taken with Andrew, asking to be carried by 'im or to sit with 'im at every opportunity.

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The kids then got to make some Xmas cookies (See previous video) and angels

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The most exciting thing at the Xmas market were some sheep


Ilona was also very excited when 'im gave her some 'bippers' (slippers) for Christmas, as until then she'd had to make do with adult ones...

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Friday 25 December 2015


We got back from our epic car journey across Europe to Slovakia (and home again, yesterday). There will be photos to follow, but first, here is a video of Ilona making Xmas cookies - enjoy!

Thursday 17 December 2015

It's Christmas!

Who is this cool, crazy kid?


This weekend we put up our Xmas tree, which was fun for all the family, as you can see. Bluet and Ilona have been merrily making more paper decorations all week. On Sunday we went to the airport to do our Xmas shopping, as the airport and the train station are the only places in Zurich allowed to be open to buy stuff on Sundays, which is a little bit crazy........


Christmas shopping at the all night garage


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Those kids are awfully quiet. Do you think we should go see what they are up to?
Maybe, in a minute

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Monday 14 December 2015


When Bluet started going to Kindergarten, Ilona would say repeatedly "I want to go to Kindergarten". Then when we explained that she couldn't go to Kindergarten, but that she would be able to go to playgroup when she turned two, she started to say "I don't want to go to kindergarten, I want to go to playgroup" which I think remains her longest sentence. Anyway on Thursday she finally got her wish and went to a trial day at playgroup, which she loved. She will start in January. Here she is, ready to go.


And this picture is what Ilona looks like if you leave her to get ready by herself (not on playgroup day)


Sunday 13 December 2015



Last weekend Gran Helen and Uncle Nick came to visit for a few days and soak up the Swiss festive spirit. Ilona and Bluet were delighted, happily asking to hold Uncle Nick's hand while out walking, or asking Gran Helen do the bath, books and songs at night. There was also a lot of handicrafts at the table (Bluet's bed is now well decorated for Christmas) and we also found time for a day trip to Basel and a walk around the city centre including a pleasant lunch. Outside. In December!

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