Monday 26 January 2015

This is what we do

At the end of everyday as we get home from work and bedtime approaches we all crash out in the living room and watch 'pointless', or 'the counting programme' live on BBC1. This is fun for us as we get to answer the quiz questions and see how many pointless answers we can get (if we can hear the questions over the general background noise), and fun for Bluet who likes to watch the numbers count down and see if the contestants are happy or unhappy with their score, or even get a pointless answer - she knows this is the best. Usually Ilona doesn't make it to the end as it is less captivating for her, and interrupts her going to bed as early as possible plans.

Here is everyone on one chair watching pointless. If you want to join us, it is on at 18:15 European time or 17:15 UK time, every day except Sunday, when we watch an archived one on youtube.


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