Saturday 10 January 2015

Happy New Year!

We are back. Not only online, but also as of this morning, back in Zurich (after an overnight flight where no-one got much sleep, so we might go to bed very soon). The weather here is almost springlike, you don't need a hat, coat or gloves, or even a jumper, really. However, in Missouri and New York on our way home it was very very very cold. Over the next day or two I will put up some pictures of our last week in the U.S. and you will discover whether or not Bluet finally met some snow she could jump in.

To start, here are some more pictures from Nana and Wayne's house, last week just after we returned from the winter float trip (canoeing in the new year). Whilst we were away on the 30th and 31st December, Emily's sister Abatha kindly looked after both our kids and two of her own. It was much appreciated by us, and they both had lots of fun (you can see more here). Afterwards whenever Ilona saw a photo of Abatha, she would say 'Abba' and a photo of Lila would elicit a 'Yaya'. Nate is perhaps a little too difficult but we think she said Scott one time. In fact her talking is coming along almost better than the walking - she says 'Nana' every morning around breakfast time when she sees a banana, says 'Mama' and 'Dadn' (obviously), attempts Bluet, says 'ball' and almost certainly some others I forgot. Also she seems to understand almost everything (including 'suck your thumb, which is v. useful when she is tired) and has started to identify body parts.

Bluet upstairs, Ilona downstairs. Neither can get past the barrier alone, both want to. 
Bluet in her Christmas dress, drinking hot chocolate for the first time
Ilona eating breakfast
Ilona and her wheeled elephant. Mainly used to walk around
Bluet getting her nails cut
Bluet post new haircut

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