Tuesday 31 March 2015

Coming soon

More pictures including the visit of Simon, Angela, Della and Gus....In the meantime here is Ilona and the communal table at PQ


Tuesday 24 March 2015


This weekend we were hoping it would be warm and sunny, enough to BBQ. Unfortunately it wasn't. I can't remember what we actually did except discover that it is illegal for children to go to the cinema in Switzerland until they are 6. Even if accompanied by an adult to a kids film like Cinderella. Crazy, right? This is very sad news as I very much enjoyed taking Bluet to the Lego movie last year and there are three more of those on the way. We will have to go to the cinema every time we leave the country now.

Unrelatedly, here are some pictures from one morning last week, culminating with me leaving for work



Monday 23 March 2015

the other day

The other day on the tram Ilona started saying 'Mama, Mama' and pointing at the window, even though Emily was standing right next to her. Eventually we worked out that she thought the lady in this advert was Emily. See what you think.


Thursday 19 March 2015

Last weekend in video

This is mostly what we did last weekend - including trying to get Ilona to say 'go away' as often as possible because we think it is very funny. She probably picked it up from Bluet

Friday 13 March 2015

Comic relief

Happy comic relief! Here are Bluet and Ilona wearing their red nose t shirts as kindly posted to them by Gran Helen

As you can see. Ilona fell over and scraped her forehead. But don't worry, she recovered rapidly

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Leaps and bounds

Ilona's walking has come along in leaps and bounds. Indeed, she is walking, running, and climbing stairs fearlessly. Not only that, but spring is springing, and Bluet and Ilona are finally able to play outside in the garden again, which is a great relief for everyone.


Ilona is also getting interested in books - you may recall that Bluet used to enjoy the 'that's not my....' series. Ilona particularly enjoys finding the mouse on each page. Here she is with 'That's not my Aeroplane'

Another popular game is to put on hats (Ilona also loves shoes. Especially holding them up for you to put on, and then when you have put them on, to remove one shoe and probably the sock also, then to walk around for a while until she finds another shoe she can hold up and ask you to put on)


And often she learns things by watching Bluet, e.g. in this example how to draw:


A tired Bluet at the end of a long day
